Thursday, September 18, 2014

Tower of the Windings

Tower of the Windings, a wind-animated sculpture by James Mallos, makes its debut at World Maker Faire New York September 20 & 21, 2014. Initially conceived as a tower, this work-in-progress has evolved into an arch. The wind activated aspect is still experimental. The tensegrity structure is a tension ladder—a ladder-like arrangement of equal-length tendons pre-stressed by crossing diagonal syruts.

A new winchworm design will also debut at my "Make Your Own Windbot Muscle" exhibit at Maker Faire.This winchworm uses about 24" of a 160Q balloon as its body and about 8 grams of detergent-washed tie wire (a wire used to place concrete reinforcement) at each end of the balloon for front and back legs. There are two feet in back and one in front;
each foot is a safety loop of wire made using jeweler's round-nose pliers.

The two loops of Berkeley 1-lb test are tied using nails about 4" apart. The single loop (with knots at each end) is tied on nails about 2-1/2" apart.

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

What's Eating Alaska

Congressional districts rearranged
District identification key for "What's Eating Alaska."

The image above is the key for identifying the congressional districts in my sculpture, "What's Eating Alaska," being exhibited June 16 - August 22, 2014 in the AAAS/WSG show, Gedankenexperiment.

Though the image has a size of several MB, you still won't be able to read the labels on the smaller congressional districts, for those go to the GigaPan.

Each circle has an area proportional to the land area of the congressional district it represents—it's what the map of the U.S. would like if you stirred the geography and allowed the smaller congressional districts to settle to the middle. The country's political polarization by population density is evident.

This Google Drive folder contains the Processing code and a text file with the congressional district data.

"What's Eating Alaska" on exhibit at the AAAS Gallery in Washington, DC.